Decompile the following kernel routines in Windows:
- KeInitializeDpc
- KeInitializeApc
- ObFastDereferenceObject (explain its calling convention)
- KeInitializeQueue
- KxWaitForLockChainValid
- KeReadyThread
- KiInitializeTSS
- RtlValidateUnicodeString
Inside ntoskrnl.exe, KeInitializeDpc has the following prototype:VOID NTAPI KeInitializeDpc( PRKDPC Dpc, PKDEFERRED_ROUTINE DeferredRoutine, PVOID DeferredContext);
This has a parameter for the KDPC struct, which contains a LIST_ENTRY. These are defined as:
typedef struct _LIST_ENTRY { struct _LIST_ENTRY *Flink; /* 0x0 */ struct _LIST_ENTRY *Blink; /* 0x8 */ } LIST_ENTRY, *PLIST_ENTRY; typedef struct _KDPC { UCHAR Type; /* 0x0 */ UCHAR Importance; /* 0x1 */ WORD Number; /* 0x2 */ BYTE Unknown[4]; /* 0x4 */ LIST_ENTRY DpcListEntry; /* 0x8 */ PVOID DeferredRoutine; /* 0x18 */ PVOID DeferredContext; /* 0x20 */ PVOID SystemArgument1; /* 0x28 */ PVOID SystemArgument2; /* 0x30 */ PVOID DpcData; /* 0x38 */ } KDPC, *PKDPC;
Here is the disassembly:
KeInitializeDpc: xor eax, eax mov dword ptr [rcx], 113h mov [rcx+18h], rdx mov [rcx+38h], rax mov [rcx+10h], rax mov [rcx+20h], r8 retn
The first MOV is an optimization which sets the first 3 variables in the struct, as it sets a dword to 0x113 (0b100010011). Everything else lines up easily enough. Here is the fully decompiled function.
VOID NTAPI KeInitializeDpc( PRKDPC Dpc, PKDEFERRED_ROUTINE DeferredRoutine, PVOID DeferredContext) { Dpc->Type = 19; /* mov dword ptr [rcx],113h */ Dpc->Importance = 1; Dpc->Number = 0; Dpc->DeferredRoutine = DeferredRoutine; /* mov [rcx+18h], rdx */ Dpc->DpcData = 0; /* mov [rcx+38h], rax */ Dpc->DpcListEntry.Blink = 0; /* mov [rcx+10h], rax */ Dpc->DeferredContext = DeferredContext; /* mov [rcx+20h], r8 */ }
Inside ntoskrnl.exe, KeInitializeApc has the following prototype:VOID NTAPI KeInitializeApc( _In_ PKAPC Apc, _In_ PKTHREAD Thread, _In_ KAPC_ENVIRONMENT TargetEnvironment, _In_ PKKERNEL_ROUT_In_E KernelRoutine, _In_Opt_ PKRUNDOWN_ROUT_In_E RundownRoutine , _In_ PKNORMAL_ROUT_In_E NormalRoutine, _In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE Mode, _In_ PVOID Context);
Here is the KAPC struct with added offsets:
typedef struct _KAPC { UCHAR Type; /* 0x0 */ UCHAR SpareByte0; /* 0x1 */ UCHAR Size; /* 0x2 */ UCHAR SpareByte1; /* 0x3 */ ULONG SpareLong0; /* 0x4 */ PKTHREAD Thread; /* 0x8 */ LIST_ENTRY ApcListEntry; /* 0x10 */ PVOID KernelRoutine; /* 0x20 */ PVOID RundownRoutine; /* 0x28 */ PVOID NormalRoutine; /* 0x30 */ PVOID NormalContext; /* 0x38 */ PVOID SystemArgument1; /* 0x40 */ PVOID SystemArgument2; /* 0x48 */ CHAR ApcStateIndex; /* 0x50 */ CHAR ApcMode; /* 0x51 */ UCHAR Inserted; /* 0x52 */ } KAPC, *PKAPC;
And here is the disassembly:
KeInitializeApc: mov byte ptr [rcx], 12h mov byte ptr [rcx+2], 58h cmp r8d, 2 jz short loc_1400BAAAF mov [rcx+50h], r8b loc_1400BAA71: mov rax, [rsp+28h] mov [rcx+8], rdx xor edx, edx mov [rcx+28h], rax mov rax, [rsp+30h] mov [rcx+20h], r9 mov [rcx+30h], rax test rax, rax jnz short loc_1400BAA9D mov [rcx+51h], dl mov [rcx+38h], rdx loc_1400BAA99: mov [rcx+52h], dl retn loc_1400BAA9D: mov al, [rsp+38h] mov [rcx+51h], al mov rax, [rsp+40h] mov [rcx+38h], rax jmp short loc_1400BAA99 loc_1400BAAAF: mov al, [rdx+242h] mov [rcx+50h], al jmp short loc_1400BAA71
This routine contains a couple if statements, but otherwise it's just writing the arguments and some constants to the struct.
VOID NTAPI KeInitializeApc( _In_ PKAPC Apc, _In_ PKTHREAD Thread, _In_ KAPC_ENVIRONMENT TargetEnvironment, _In_ PKKERNEL_ROUT_In_E KernelRoutine, _In_Opt_ PKRUNDOWN_ROUT_In_E RundownRoutine , _In_ PKNORMAL_ROUT_In_E NormalRoutine, _In_ KPROCESSOR_MODE Mode, _In_ PVOID Context) { Apc->Type = 0x12; /* mov byte ptr [rcx], 12h */ Apc->Size = 0x58; /* mov byte ptr [rcx+2], 58h */ /* cmp r8d, 2 */ if ((DWORD)TargetEnvironment == CurrentApcEnvironment) Apc->ApcStateIndex = Thread->ApcStateIndex;/* mov [rcx+50h], al */ else Apc->ApcStateIndex = TargetEnvironment; /* mov [rcx+50h], r8b */ Apc->Thread = Thread; /* mov [rcx+8], rdx */ Apc->RundownRoutine = RundownRoutine; /* mov [rcx+28h], rax */ Apc->KernelRoutine = KernelRoutine; /* mov [rcx+20h], r9 */ Apc->NormalRoutine = NormalRoutine; /* mov [rcx+30h], rax */ /* test rax, rax */ if (NormalRoutine != 0) { Apc->ApcMode = Mode; /* mov [rcx+51h], al */ Apc->NormalContext = Context; /* mov [rcx+38h], rax */ } else { Apc->ApcMode = 0; /* mov [rcx+51h], dl */ Apc->NormalContext = 0; /* mov [rcx+38h], rdx */ } Apc->Inserted = 0; /* mov [rcx+52h], dl */ }
Inside ntoskrnl.exe, ObFastDereferenceObject has the following prototype:void __fastcall ObFastDereferenceObject( _In_ PEX_FAST_REF FastRef, _In_ PVOID Object )
Here is the struct that is passed in the first argument:
typedef struct _EX_FAST_REF { union { PVOID Object; ULONG RefCnt: 4; UINT64 RefCnt; }; } EX_FAST_REF, *PEX_FAST_REF;
Here is the disassembly, which shows that there are fastcall optimizations on the 1st parameter for certain processors:
ObFastDereferenceObject: mov r9, rcx prefetchw byte ptr [rcx] mov rax, [rcx] mov r8, rax xor r8, rdx cmp r8, 0Fh jnb short loc_140062C29 loc_140062C1D: lea r8, [rax+1] lock cmpxchg [r9], r8 jnz short loc_140062C31 retn loc_140062C29: mov rcx, rdx jmp ObfDereferenceObject loc_140062C31: mov rcx, rax xor rcx, rdx cmp rcx, 0Fh jb short loc_140062C1D jmp short loc_140062C29
The function is one big loop that increments the FastRef->Object pointer. There is also a precondition test. If the loop fails, another function is called.
void __fastcall ObFastDereferenceObject( _In_ PEX_FAST_REF FastRef, _In_ PVOID Object ) { for ( EX_FAST_REF a = *FastRef, /* mov rax, [rcx] */ b = *FastRef; /* mov r8, rax */ *b->Object ^ Object /* xor r8, rdx */ <= 0x0F; /* cmp rcx, 0Fh */ b->Object = *(a->Object) + 1 /* lea r8, [rax+1] */ ) { /* lock cmpxchg [r9], r8 */ if (atomic_compare_exchange_strong(FastRef, &a, b)); return; } /* mov rcx, rdx */ ObfDereferenceObject(Object); /* jmp ObfDereferenceObject */ }
Inside ntoskrnl.exe, KeInitializeQueue has the following prototype:VOID NTAPI KeInitializeQueue( _Out_ PRKQUEUE Queue, _In_ ULONG Count);
Here are the relevant structs which make up our Queue parameter:
typedef struct _DISPATCHER_HEADER { union { struct { UCHAR Type; union { UCHAR Abandoned; UCHAR Absolute; UCHAR NpxIrql; UCHAR Signalling; }; union { UCHAR Size; UCHAR Hand; }; union { UCHAR Inserted; UCHAR DebugActive; UCHAR DpcActive; }; }; LONG Lock; }; LONG SignalState; LIST_ENTRY WaitListHead; } DISPATCHER_HEADER, *PDISPATCHER_HEADER; typedef struct _KQUEUE { DISPATCHER_HEADER Header; /* 0x0 */ LIST_ENTRY EntryListHead; /* 0x18 */ ULONG CurrentCount; /* 0x28 */ ULONG MaximumCount; /* 0x2c */ LIST_ENTRY ThreadListHead; /* 0x30 */ } KQUEUE, *PKQUEUE, *RESTRICTED_POINTER PRKQUEUE;
The disassembly for the function is:
KeInitializeQueue: mov word ptr [rcx], 4 mov byte ptr [rcx+2], 10h lea rax, [rcx+8] xor r8d, r8d mov [rcx+4], r8d mov [rax+8], rax mov [rax], rax lea rax, [rcx+18h] mov [rax+8], rax mov [rax], rax lea rax, [rcx+30h] mov [rax+8], rax mov [rax], rax mov [rcx+28h], r8d test edx, edx jz short loc_1400DF8A9 mov [rcx+2Ch], edx retn loc_1400DF8A9: mov eax, cs:KeNumberProcessors_0 mov [rcx+2Ch], eax retn
This function is again just basically filling in a struct with some constants.
VOID NTAPI KeInitializeQueue( _Out_ PRKQUEUE Queue, _In_ ULONG Count) { Queue->Header.Type = 4; /* mov word ptr [rcx], 4 */ Queue->Header.Abandoned = FALSE; Queue->Header.Size = 0x10; /* mov byte ptr [rcx+2], 10h */ Queue->Header.SignalState = 0; /* mov [rcx+4], r8d */ /* lea rax, [rcx+8] */ Queue->Header.WaitListHead->Blink = &Queue->Header.WaitListHead; Queue->Header.WaitListHead->Flink = &Queue->Header.WaitListHead; /* lea rax, [rcx+18h] */ Queue->EntryListHead->Blink = &Queue->EntryListHead; Queue->EntryListHead->Flink = &Queue->EntryListHead; /* lea rax, [rcx+30h] */ Queue->ThreadListHead->Blink = &Queue->ThreadListHead; Queue->ThreadListHead->Flink = &Queue->ThreadListHead; Queue.CurrentCount = 0; /* test edx, edx */ if (Count == 0) Queue->MaximumCount = KeNumberProcessors; /* cs:_0 */ else Queue->MaximumCount = Count; /* mov [rcx+2Ch], edx */ }
Inside ntoskrnl.exe, KxWaitForLockChainValid has the following prototype:PKSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE KxWaitForLockChainValid( __inout PKSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE LockQueue);
Here is the definition for the struct parameter:
typedef struct _KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE { struct _KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE * volatile Next; PKSPIN_LOCK volatile Lock; } KSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE, *PKSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE;
Here is the disassembly of the function:
KxWaitForLockChainValid: mov [rsp+8], rbx push rdi sub rsp, 20h mov rdi, rcx xor ebx, ebx loc_1400DA7F7: inc ebx test cs:HvlLongSpinCountMask, ebx jz loc_14019DCAC loc_1400DA805: pause loc_1400DA807: mov rax, [rdi] test rax, rax jz short loc_1400DA7F7 mov rbx, [rsp+28h+8] add rsp, 20h pop rdi retn loc_14019DCAC: mov eax, cs:HvlEnlightenments test al, 40h jz loc_1400DA805 mov ecx, ebx call HvlNotifyLongSpinWait nop jmp loc_1400DA807
This is a spinlock implementation. It's interesting that the last label is in a distant memory area. This is usually an indication of an optimization by the compiler that the code is rarely used.
PKSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE KxWaitForLockChainValid( __inout PKSPIN_LOCK_QUEUE LockQueue) { UINT32 i = 0; /* xor ebx, ebx */ do /* loc_1400DA7F7 */ { ++i; /* inc ebx */ /* test cs:HvlLongSpinCountMask, ebx */ /* test al, 40h */ if (i == HvlLongSpinCountMask && HvlEnlightenments != 0x40)) HvlNotifyLongSpinWait(i); /* mov ecx, ebx */ else _mm_pause(); /* pause */ } while(LockQueue->Next != 0); /* test rax, rax */ }
Inside ntoskrnl.exe, KeReadyThread has the following prototype:VOID NTAPI KeReadyThread(_In_ PKTHREAD Thread);
Here is the disassembly:
KeReadyThread: push rbx sub rsp, 20h mov rdx, [rcx+0B8h] mov rbx, rcx mov eax, [rdx+234h] test al, 7 jnz short loc_1400F6684 loc_1400F6676: mov rcx, rbx call KiFastReadyThread loc_1400F667E: add rsp, 20h pop rbx retn loc_1400F6684: call KiInSwapSingleProcess test al, al jnz short loc_1400F667E jmp short loc_1400F6676
Until I calculate the offsets the struct values are unknown.
VOID NTAPI KeReadyThread(_In_ PKTHREAD Thread) { /* mov rdx, [rcx+0B8h] */ /* mov eax, [rdx+234h] */ /* test al, 7 */ if ((BYTE)Thread->UnknownB8.Unknown234 == 7) if (KiInSwapSingleProcess(Thread)) /* call KiInSwapSingle */ return; /* jnz loc_1400F667E */ KiFastReadyThread(Thread); /* call KiFastReadyThread */ }
Inside ntoskrnl.exe, KiInitializeTSS has the following prototype:VOID NTAPI KiInitializeTSS(_In_ PKTSS Tss);
This has a parameter for the PKTSS struct. It is defined as:
typedef struct _KTSS { WORD Backlink; WORD Reserved0; ULONG Esp0; WORD Ss0; /* 0x8 */ WORD Reserved1; ULONG NotUsed1[4]; ULONG CR3; ULONG Eip; ULONG EFlags; ULONG Eax; ULONG Ecx; ULONG Edx; ULONG Ebx; ULONG Esp; ULONG Ebp; ULONG Esi; ULONG Edi; WORD Es; WORD Reserved2; WORD Cs; WORD Reserved3; WORD Ss; WORD Reserved4; WORD Ds; WORD Reserved5; WORD Fs; WORD Reserved6; WORD Gs; WORD Reserved7; WORD LDT; /* 0x60 */ WORD Reserved8; WORD Flags; /* 0x64 */ WORD IoMapBase; /* 0x66 */ KiIoAccessMap IoMaps[1]; UCHAR IntDirectionMap[32]; /* 0x208c */ } KTSS, *PKTSS;
Here is the disassembly:
KiInitializeTSS: mov edi, edi push ebp mov ebp, esp mov eax, dword ptr [ebp+8] and word ptr [eax+64h], 0 and word ptr [eax+60h], 0 mov word ptr [eax+66h], 20ACh mov word ptr [eax+8], 10h pop ebp ret 4
This function fills in the structure with constants.
VOID NTAPI KiInitializeTSS(_In_ PKTSS Tss) { Tss->Flags = 0; /* and word ptr [eax+64h], 0 */ Tss->LDT = 0; /* and word ptr [eax+60h], 0 */ /* mov word ptr [eax+66h], 20ACh */ Tss->IoMapBase = sizeof(KTSS); Tss->Ss0 = 16; /* mov word ptr [eax+8], 10h */ }
Inside ntoskrnl.exe, RtlValidateUnicodeString has the following prototype:NTSTATUS NTAPI RtlValidateUnicodeString( _In_ ULONG Flags, _In_ PCUNICODE_STRING UnicodeString);
The UNICODE_STRING struct in a 64-bit system context is defined as:
typedef struct _UNICODE_STRING { USHORT Length; /* 0x0 */ USHORT MaximumLength; /* 0x2 */ DWORD Reserved; /* 0x4 */ PWSTR Buffer; /* 0x8 */ } UNICODE_STRING, *PUNICODE_STRING;
Here's the disassembly of the function:
RtlValidateUnicodeString: xor eax, eax test ecx, ecx jnz short loc_1400D23BB test rdx, rdx jz short locret_1400D23BA movzx r8d, word ptr [rdx] test r8b, 1 jnz short loc_1400D23BB movzx ecx, word ptr [rdx+2] test cl, 1 jnz short loc_1400D23BB cmp r8w, cx ja short loc_1400D23BB mov r9d, 0FFFEh cmp cx, r9w ja short loc_1400D23BB cmp [rdx+8], rax jz loc_14019BAF4 locret_1400D23BA: retn loc_1400D23BB: mov eax, 0C000000Dh retn loc_14019BAF4: test r8w, r8w jnz loc_1400D23BB test cx, cx jz locret_1400D23BA jmp loc_1400D23BB
The function, true to its name, follows the traditional validation pattern of executing tests and returning false (NTSTATUS: INVALID_PARAMETER) or true (NTSTATUS: SUCCESS) depending on if the conditions are met or not. Note that the last test case in the main body of the function can jump to a distant memory space for more tests, an optimization that likely means it is rarely branched to.
/* test ecx, ecx */ if (Flags != 0) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* mov eax, 0C000000Dh */ /* test rdx, rdx */ if (!UnicodeString) return STATUS_SUCCESS; /* xor eax, eax */ /* movzx r8d, word ptr [rdx] */ /* test r8b, 1 */ if (UnicodeString->Length & 1 != 0) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* movzx ecx, word ptr [rdx+2] */ /* test cl, 1 */ if (UnicodeString->MaximumLength & 1 != 0) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* cmp r8w, cx */ if (UnicodeString->Length > UnicodeString.MaximumLength) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* mov r9d, 0FFFEh */ /* cmp cx, r9w */ if (UnicodeString->MaximumLength > 65534) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* cmp [rdx+8], rax */ if (UnicodeString->Buffer == 0) { /* test r8w, r8w */ if (UnicodeString->Length != 0) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; /* test cx, cx */ if (UnicodeString->MaximumLength != 0) return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER; } return STATUS_SUCCESS;
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