Repeat the walk-through by yourself. Draw the stack layout, including parameters and local variables.
The function in question is DllMain, which is a WINAPI (stdcall) convention. The stack pointer with regards to function entry looks like the following:
0x0 | &return |
+0x4 | hModule |
+0x8 | dwReason |
+0xc | lpReserved |
The function's instructions immediately modify the stack:
push ebp mov ebp, esp sub esp, 130h push edi sidt fword ptr [ebp-8] mov eax, [ebp-6]
So the stack for local variables becomes:
-0x138 | saved EDI |
-0x134 | reserved |
-0xc | struct IDT |
-0x4 | saved EBP |
0x0 | &return |
The reserved bytes are for a PROCESSENTRY32 struct, which is defined on MSDN as follows:
typedef struct tagPROCESSENTRY32 { DWORD dwSize; DWORD cntUsage; DWORD th32ProcessID; ULONG_PTR th32DefaultHeapID; DWORD th32ModuleID; DWORD cntThreads; DWORD th32ParentProcessID; LONG pcPriClassBase; DWORD dwFlags; TCHAR szExeFile[MAX_PATH]; } PROCESSENTRY32, *PPROCESSENTRY32;
So a more accurate and complete stack layout showing the local variables and parameters may be:
-0x138 | saved EDI |
-0x134 | PROCESSENTRY32.dwSize |
-0x130 | PROCESSENTRY32.cntUsage |
-0x12c | PROCESSENTRY32.th32ProcessID |
-0x128 | PROCESSENTRY32.th32DefaultHeapID |
-0x124 | PROCESSENTRY32.th32ModuleID |
-0x120 | PROCESSENTRY32.cntThreads |
-0x11c | PROCESSENTRY32.th32ParentProcessID |
-0x118 | PROCESSENTRY32.pcPriClassBase |
-0x114 | PROCESSENTRY32.dwFlags |
-0x10 | PROCESSENTRY32.szExeFile[0x104] |
-0xc | IDT.limit |
-0xa | IDT.base |
-0x4 | saved EBP |
0x0 | &return |
+0x4 | hModule |
+0x8 | dwReason |
+0xc | lpReserved |
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