Note: This post does not explain the EternalRomance exploit chain, just a quirky bug in the Equation Group's client. For comprehensive exploit details, come see my presentation at DEF CON 26 (August 2018).
In SMBv1, transactions are looked up via their User ID, Tree ID, Process ID, and Multiplex ID fields (UID, TID, PID, MID). This allows a client to have many transactions running at once, as needed. UID and TID are server-assigned, and PID is client-set but usually static. Generally, a client will only use the MID, set to a random value, to distinguish distinct transactions.
Fish in a Barrel
In EternalRomance, the MID must be set to a specific value (File ID). In order for the Equation Group to multiplex multiple transactions, the PID is used instead. The PID is what separates "dynamite sticks" in the Fish-In-A-Barrel heap feng shui.
Dynamite are transactions that can (ideally) cause overflow into another transaction. Sometimes a dynamite stick fails, simply because memory allocations can be volatile. In this case, EternalRomance should try the next stick.
Discovering the Bug
I had nop'd out the Srv.sys vulnerability being exploited using WinDbg so that I could observe the network traffic during failures and other various reasons.
I noticed that EternalRomance, during the grooming phase, sent dynamite sticks with PIDs 0, 1, and 2. However, it was only attempting to ignite one PID (dynamite stick) for every execution attempt. The PID 0.
This must be a mistake because igniting the same dynamite 3 times in a row does absolutely nothing but send superfluous network traffic with no change in result. A dynamite stick either works or it simply always will be a dud. And besides, why did it bother to send the other 2 dynamite in the first place?
In fact, igniting the same dynamite stick multiple times is dangerous, because it increments a pointer each time, and the offset for the overwrite (a neighboring MID) stays static. On a side note, I also noticed the first exploit attempt always tries to overwrite two bytes, and all secondary dynamite attempts only overwrite one byte. Because of the way they set up the exploit, only a one byte overwrite is necessary (though two bytes won't hurt if it hits the right place). Another peculiarity.
I messed around with the MaxExploitAttempt settings, which has a default value of 3. I set it to its maximum allowed of 16. Now the PID started at 3?
This time, PIDs 3 through 15 were observed, and the last 3 exploit attempts sent PID=0.

The Binary is Truth
Well some debugging later, I figured out that the InitializeParameters() function (there are no symbols in the binary, but a few functions have helpful debug strings when handling error conditions) was allocating two arrays for the dynamite stick PIDs.
unsigned int size = ExploitStruct->MaxExploitAttempts_0x4360; if (size <= 16) { ExploitStruct->PidTable_0x44a0 = (PWORD) TbMalloc(2 * size); ExploitStruct->PidTable_0x44a4 = (PWORD) TbMalloc(2 * size); } else { // print error message: too many max exploit attempts }
TbMalloc is Equation Group's library function (tibe-2.dll) that just calls malloc() and then memset() to 0 (essentially calloc() but with one argument).
I set a hardware breakpoint on the tables and noticed that in SmbRemoteApiTransactionGroom() (another unnamed function) there was the following logic. This function completes when the dynamite are initially sent (before any are ignited).
if (DynamiteNum >= 3) { ExploitStruct->PidTable_0x44a4[DynamiteNum - 3] = DynamitePid; } else { ExploitStruct->PidTable_0x44a0[DynamiteNum] = DynamitePid; }
Later, in DoWriteAndXExploitTransactionForRemApi(), the table where DynamiteNum >= 3 is used to source PIDs to ignite the dynamite.
This means PidTable_0x44a4 is never given values when MaxExploitAttempts=3. Observe 3 shorts set to 0 at the address in the dump.
And we can see the cause for the quirky behavior of the network traffic starting at PID=3, when MaxExploitAttempts=16 (or any greater than 3). Observe several shorts incrementing from 3, followed by three 0.
As far as I can tell, the PidTable_0x44a0 table (the one that holds the first 3 PIDs) simply isn't used, at least when tested against several versions of Windows XP and Server 2003.
This bug was probably missed, by both analysts and the Equation Group, for a few reasons:
- Fish in a Barrel is only used for older versions of Windows (it's fixed in 7+)
- It almost always succeeds the first time, as it is a rarely used pre-allocated heap
- TbMalloc initializes all PID to 0, and the first dynamite PID is 0
- The bug is quite subtle, I missed it several times because of assumptions
The real mystery is why is there this logic for the second table that isn't used?